July Wrap Up

Hello everyone! Here we are once again, wrapping up another month 🤗

This was a good month, I feel like I managed to read most of the things I wanted, I had a great time but also got in some mood reads so I felt less «pressured» by my TBR. I also read a book that had been intimidating me for months and I’m so proud about that 🎉🥳 I feel like a read different genres, probably with romance being the common theme between them but I’m just a romantic, can’t help it

I’ll stop rambling and just start talking about the books

Never Judge a Lady by Her Cover – 4/5 ⭐

I made a full series review for it. But for this particular book I’ll say that I enjoyed it. It was as good as the rest of them. A lot of romance with backgrounds that are obstacles to the main couple but this was also special as a conclusion to the series. The characters were great, the story was entertaining and interesting.




Chain of Gold – 5/5 ⭐

AAAAAAAA. Fangirling. So. Much

I was a bit scared for this one, because each time I start a new book in this world I’m scared I will be «over it» but absolutely not.

The characters in here and their stories are an absolute highlight. I’m in love all over again. The story was great too and that ending….OMG. I can’t wait to read Chain of Iron, it will break my heart but I’m also full of hope ✨



The Graveyard Shift – 4/5 ⭐

I read the Charley Davidson series for a few years, absolutely loved it and was very sad to see it ending but also wanting more because the story was far from over.

This book was a great story that re-introduced the characters, is useful to grow some characters while others stay the same, and serves as one of the building bridges for the future books.

Enjoyed being back there!


Bautismo de fuego – 4.25/5 ⭐

The beginning of the series for me was a bit rough but I’m finding that each book gets better and better.

I loved that Geralt was truly a protagonist here, I have been loving his development and the new cast of characters were refreshing. I enjoyed much more the pacing in this one, not everything is fighting (scenes I really like too!) but it still feels like the story is building for something more while moving forward. Excited for what is coming!




Calibán y la bruja. Mujeres, cuerpo y acumulación originaria. – 4/5 ⭐

I don’t know if you have ever felt this way but this book was one of the ones that intimidated (and kind of still does) me. Not because of its lenght but because of its content.

I know I couldn’t really grasp everything that was said or meant to retrieve from its pages. I will be rereading this in the future and I feel like I will learn more and more from and of the words contained. I’m happy I finally read it and that it was my first approach to this topic.




Dark Harmony – 2/5 ⭐

This was such a disappointment for me. Maybe I had too many expectations and if I hadn’t my enjoyment would have been different.

My main problems here where the characters and how the story was presented.

I will be doing a review/comment on the whole series in the future.




When She’s Married – 3/5 ⭐

This one I read because Mara from bookslikewhoa said great things about it and I wanted to give it a go.

For 79 pages, this story has some very deep and dark elements to it that could not be explored in full but would have been interesing to see.

It was cute, it was entertaining, it was also dark and sad at times.



Faça tempo: 4 passos para definir suas prioridades e não adiar mais nada – 3/5 ⭐

I’m not sure if you know about this but I love productivity. I love learning how to be more efficient, or use my time in a more intentional/meaningful way. I have been listening about it for near two years, maybe even a bit more. I recently came across this book and decided to read it.

It was okay, it was good for me.

I think this is an amazing book if you want to get started in this world and start learning not only about the «theory» but also how to practice those things and apply them to your daily life. In that sense I think it is a great book because it’s quite diverse in the techniques offered, and I really think that everyone can find something that will work for them.

Shelock Holmes

El misterio de Cooper Beeches – 3/5 ⭐: It was okay, entertaining but with an ending that felt a bit off for me.

El misterio de Boscombe Valley – 4/5 ⭐: I enjoyed this one! An interesting fun mystery with an ending that while was predictable had things I didn’t expect.

El oficinista del corredor de bolsa – 3/5 ⭐: This felt rather short but also different from the others I had read this month so it kept me thinking and trying to figure out what was happening.

El Tratado Naval – 3/5 ⭐: I liked it. I always suspected the person who was behind it all but what made me enjoy the story was the process of the mystery being solved.

Raras – 3.5/5 ⭐

This was a series of short stories with some magical realism into them that I enjoyed reading. Some stories I liked better than others but the author managed to turn daily or not so daily stories into something different and with a «deeper» meaning that sometimes left me thinking outside of the words I had read.





Fighting Destiny – 3/5 ⭐

This one had been on my TBR for five years. Can’t believe it tbh. But I finally read it. And AGHHH I was so angry, so frustrated, infuriated just NO PERIOD.

This book has many many things wrong. But, do you know that trash tv programme that is bad, you know it is, but it is addictive and you just can not stop watching? Maybe it has happened to you. I have that exact same feeling with this series. I have finished book two already. Like, in less than three days I have read two of these books.

Would I recommend it? Absolutely not, yet I will keep reading this series because I seem to be a child and have no self-control. And I absolutely am angry and mad at what I read, but I just can’t stop. Okay, I will stop talking about it now.

And, as I said before but confirmed now, yesterday I finished the second book and I have started the third one (it is starting to sound like a problem)

I think it was a bit better, it had more humour which was great and worked for me. Still, many situations wrong, the words that the author used also aren’t that great in some situations. So, what I said for the first one stands for the second one.





One of the questions on the Mid Year Freak Out tag was to say the books I «need» to read by the end of the year. I listed two books in different categories that I want to read and that hopefully help me read different things! I’ll be crossing those I have read and updating each month so it’s not just other list I’ll have but take no action to complete

Two non-fiction books: Caliban and the Witch // O que é racismo estrutural?

Two books that have been for a long time on my TBR: The Song of Achilles // Fighting Destiny

Two classics: 1984 // Tess of the D’Urbervilles

Two books that I have seen them being recommended in the blogosphere: Red, White and Royal Blue // The Seven Husbands of Evelyn Hugo

Two books that I have seen in booktube: Red Sister // Trail of Lightning

Two books released this year: Black Girl Unlimited // Felix Ever After

I still have quite a few to read but I’m sure I’ll be able to make progress through the months ahead!

And that’s all I have read in July!

I would love to know how was your month or if you have read any of these books/short stories!

Thank you for reading!



2 respuestas a “July Wrap Up

  1. It looks like you had a great reading month! I’ve been meaning to start The Witcher series since I saw the Netflix show, so I’m happy to see that you’re enjoying it! Ooh, I hope you like The Song of Achilles and Red White and Royal Blue when you read them, they were both great. I hope you have a fantastic August!

    Me gusta

    1. Yes! That’s what happened to me, I saw the tv show and wanted more so to the books I went. It has definitely been quite a particular experience for me, but I’m definitely enjoying them more and more! If you ever read them I hope you love them!
      Thank you! ✨ You too! 🤗

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