This or That Book Tag!

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I was tagged by Astra from A Stranger’s Guide To Novels to do this, thank you so much!

Audio of physical book?

I haven’t heard an audio book so I’m going with physical.

Paperback or Hardback?

I own mostly paperbacks because a) shipping costs b) in my country most books are paperback editions. I think some times they are more comfortable to read. However, hardbacks look really good. Maybe I’m going with paperback just because as I said before, most of my books are in that edition.

Fiction or non-fiction?

Fiction! I love fiction and fictional worlds! I’m not ready for non-fiction yet, however maybe in a few years I’ll be…

Fantasy world or real life issues?

Fantasy world. I love fantasy, it’s one of my favorite genres if not my favorite and I prefer it over real life issues.

Harry Potter or Twilight?

I haven’t read any of the books of Twilight or Harry Potter. I haven’t watched any Twilight movie and I only watched the first Harry Potter Movies. In February I’ll start reading Harry Potter with Sara from Freadom Library and I’m so excited! One book per month!

Back to the question, Harry Potter.

Borrow or buy?

Buy! I wish I had a looot of money to buy all the books I want. So, borrow is a good option too because I don’t have enough money to buy all (sadly). Anyway, when I can, I buy so my answer is buy.

Monster reads or short & sweet?

I love monster reads but once in a while short and sweet reads are very needed so…

Starry eyed romance or full of action?

I prefer a combination of romance and action. Between these options I prefer full of action, but again, as I said in the previous question, once in a while a starry eyed romance is great too.

Curl up in your snuggle or bathe in the sun?

Curl up in your snuggle! or my snuggle!

Coffee or tea?

Nop, I prefer hot chocolate! I’m Divergent! Joking. No, but I really prefer hot chocolate.


This is all for this tag!

I’m not sure who has done it and who hasn’t but if you are reading this and you want to do this tag, I’m tagging you!



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