Celebrating the Little Things Tag! | Thank you!


Hello everyone!

I was tagged by Sara from Freadom Library to do this tag and I thought this would be a perfect day to do it! So, let’s start!

Who was your very first follower (if you can find out) Tag them and give them a shout out!


WordPress says that Justine from Bookwormaniac was my first follower! Well, thank you I must say. I love his content though I first met him through his bookstagram acc where he had amazing photos and then I followed him here. If you aren’t already following him, you should do it right now.

What was the last milestone you reached?

I think my Goodreads Challenge being finished. It was of 100 books and now I’m in 108 which is a lot for me. I think that was my last milestone…


(a bit old the pic but that’s fine, right?)

What was the very first post you posted? Share it with us! If you can find out.

My very first post was called Slowly but Surely… and it was basically an introduction (of two lines that doesn’t say a thing but oh well, if you want to check it, you can do it)   But my real first post was a Top  Wednesday, Favourite Things About Blogging but since I had been blogging for just days I did it more like ‘Favourite Things About Being Part of the Bookish Community’ or something like that.

Who was your most recent follower? Tag them and give them a shout out!


My most recent follower was Tiana from The Book Raven, I hope we get to talk more and you are enjoying my blog!

What was the last post you posted and who was the very first person who took their time to click the like button? Give them a shout out!

My last post was my Too Wyrd review (I’m writing this before I write my Christmas post though that one will be up first) and the firt person who took their time to click the like button was Tiana from The Book Raven, mentioned in the previous question 😀

How many months have you been blogging for?

I have been blogging for 1 year and 4 months, I started in September,2015. That is a lot of time for me but so far I have been loving this and I’m really excited to continue.

Do you have any bloggers you’re friends with? Give them a shout out.

One thing I would like to do is to talk more with other bloggers and get to know others, I really like that though for me it’s quite difficult

But, I’m happy to say I have some friends and I hope we continue being friends: Sara, Liam, Mariana and Kole.Writes ; and people like Dee, that we have talked but we are not friends (yet, I hope?)

I want to talk with other bloggers, make friends and just have fun because that’s one great thing about blogging.

Who originally created the last meme or tag you participated in? Give them a shout out!

The last tag I did was This or That but it doesn’t have the creator, so I went to the previous one which is The Harry Potter book tag which doesn’t have a creator mentioned either BUT the one before that Olympics Book Tag was created by  Valerie from Little Dutch Bookshop so shout out to her!

Have you any social media related to your blog?

Well, yes, I do!

I have my Twitter though I’m not the most active person there I try to tweet everyday something; I have/had my Instagram but now is ‘inactive’ since I stopped bookstagraming but the acc is still there with some photos; Goodreads maybe my most active book social media, I love updating there I keep track of books, post stats, review and rate as well as find quotes and new books, if we are not friends, we should be! I love to see what others are reading and their updates; I have Bloglovin though I don’t use it; I have a Tumblr acc, I have some bookish things of course but a lot of Bullet Journal related stuff too; lastly I have Pinterest but my bookish side there is small, exists but is small.

Last but not least…Just give thanks to all your followers.

Well, thankyouthankyouthankyouthankyouthankyou. It means the world to me that someone reads what I write. When someone likes or comments is just a great feeling, I’m really happy with what I’m doing and that partly is because of you, because you take time and you just are here. So, thank you for following, reading and commenting for being a part of the bookish community and have at least a little interest in what my head tells my hands to write. Thank you.


I’m not tagging anyone because I really want everyone who wants to do it to feel tagged, this is a great tag.




6 respuestas a “Celebrating the Little Things Tag! | Thank you!

  1. It feels really cool to be mentioned here! I am really enjoying your blog and I am excited to see what friendships blogging will bring. I recently started blogging in October and it has been great so far especially when I see such positive and unique posts like this one. Thanks for the shout out!

    Le gusta a 1 persona

  2. Aw Aldii this was such a great post to read!! I also find it quite hard to develop friendships through blogging but I’m so happy that we met and have talked so often. You’re such a lovely person and I hope that we continue to be friends!
    I’d love to do this tag if that’s ok? And thanks again for the shout-out, you’re awesome and so it your blog ❤

    Le gusta a 1 persona

    1. Thank you so much! It’s great to know that I’m not the only one who finds it hard, I just don’t know but I’m really happy for the many times we have talked! I definitely hope that too!
      Of course yes! I can’t wait to read your post, it’s so great to do and I hope you enjoy writing it too!
      You too♥

      Me gusta

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